Statistics: Provides basic statistical data about Autostar II, including:
ܖ Characters Free: Displays how much room is available in user-defined object
ܖ Version: Displays the current version of the Autostar II software.
ܖ Serial Number: Displays the unit's serial number.
Reset: Completely resets A
utostar II. Most values entered into the menus revert to
factory defaults. Autostar II requires initialization again after a Reset before proceed-
ing with obser
"Hot Button" Menus
Two menus, six object libraries and two functions can be accessed directly using the
Number keys (commonly referred to as "hot buttons"). The two functions, the Speed
mode and the Utility light are described earlier in the manual.
Focus Control Menus: Press Number key "4" to select these menus directly from
Autostar II's keypad. Each time you press Focus, the key toggles between focus/focus
speed menus and the preset control menus.When “Focuser: Fast” displays, press the
Up or Down Scroll keys to select a focus speed (fast, medium, slow or fine). When
“Focuser: Position” displays, use the Up or Down Arrow keys to achieve fine focus of
the object.
You can toggle the Focus key to display the “Focuser: Preset” menus. The Focuser
preset menu allows you to assign nine focus positions. If you “park” the telescope, you
can set your own focus, focus for your observing partners and the focus for your cam-
era or imager. Other Preset menus allow you to select a focus you have assigned and
also to Sync on a Focus Preset.The Sync on a Focus Preset allows you retrieve focus
positions when you
do not park your telescope. See page 37 for information about
parking your telescope.
Reticle Control Menu: Press Number key "7" to select this menu directly from
Autostar II's keypad. "Reticle Control: Set Intensity" displays. Press ENTER. The
Intensity menu allows you to change the intensity of the Reticle Eyepiece Illuminator.
Use the Scroll keys to change the value. As you change the value, look through the
reticle to note how the Intensity changes.
Note:You may continue to change the values using the Scroll keys (and thus
changing the intensity) until you press
ENTER again. This allows you to
experiment with the intensity level until you decide which intensity level
works best for you. This feature operates in the same manner in the Rate
and Duty Cycle menus.
When you have finished adjusting the intensity, press ENTER. Press Number key "7"
again and the Rate menu displays.Press ENTER again. Use the Scroll keys to change
the value of the the rate at which the Reticle Eyepiece blinks. As you change the value,
look through the reticle to note how the Blink Rate changes.
When you have finished adjusting the rate, press ENTER.Next, Press Number key "7"
again and the Duty Cycle menu displays. Press ENTER again.The Duty Cycle menu
controls how long the Reticle Eyepiece Illuminator is on during a blink cycle. Use the
Scroll keys to change the value. As you change the value, look through the reticle to
note how the Duty Cycle changes. When you have decided on a Duty Cycle value,
press ENTER.
o e
xit the Reticle men
u, press MODE once.
Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the
Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.