computer control panel/ Plug the other end into a USB por
t of your PC Next,
you will install the Autostar Suite software from the CD ROM.This software pro-
vides a men
u that allows you to download the latest version of Autostar II
software into the Autostar II handbox.
4. Select Autostar Suite on the CD ROM to install Autostar Suite onto your PC.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. Once the Autostar Suite software installs, double-click the new “Autostar Suite”
icon on the desktop.
Go to the Telescope menu and select “Update Autostar.” The “Autostar Update”
screen displays. Click the “Upgrade Autostar Software Now” button.
7. The application detects your telescope type and the version of Autostar soft-
ware on your handbox.
8. A window displays asking if you wish to download the latest version of Autostar
from your hard drive (if you previously downloaded it separately from the
Meade website) or from the internet. Select one of the choices and follow
on-screen instructions.
9. The download will take several minutes (download time depends on your inter-
net connection, speed of your computer and so forth). When the download is
complete, the new version of the Autostar software displays.
Periodic Error Correction
If you wish to perform high-precision astrophotography, you may wish to "train" your
telescope in order to keep objects that you are imaging dead center in the telescope's
field of view during the photographic exposure. Periodic error correction (PEC) helps
to remove the slight perturbations from center that occur due to the mechanical
nature of a telescope. To perform this procedure, you need to use a high-power reti-
cle, such as the 9mm reticle (see
training is available for both drives.
Train Menu Option
Important Note: The Train option overwrites any previous PEC data.
1. Select "Train" from the RA PEC menu (in the "Setup:Telescope" menu) and press
2. Look through the reticle. Use the Arrow keys to keep the star centered in the reticle
cross-hairs. Autostar II displays a count of the 75 positions of the worm gear. When
the count reaches 75, one cycle is complete. A full cycle takes about 20 minutes.
3. Select "Train" from the R.A. PEC menu (in the "Setup:Telescope" menu) and press
4. Press MODE to exit.
Update Men
u Option
Use the Update option to further refine your training; it is recommended that you
update y
our or
iginal tr
aining tw
o or three times when first using y
our telescope
Update does not o
erwrite the data, but updates the training using information gath-
ered from both the last and the current training sessions. Press the MODE key to exit
from this option.
If y
ou wish to fur
ther refine y
our tr
aining, select this menu again and
repeat the procedure
Erase Menu Option
Select this option to erase all PEC training data.
On and Off Menu Options
Select "On" when y
ou want the telescope to use the training information. Select "Off"
when you do not want for the telescope to use the training information. Select "On" to
enable the Smart Drive.
Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversible damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the
Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.