Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
Your vehicle contains a number of alumi-
num parts. The use of aluminum compo-
nents in motor vehicle engines
necessitates that anticorrosion/antifreeze
coolant used in such engines be specifical-
ly formulated to protect the aluminum
parts. (Failure to use such anticorro-
sion/antifreeze coolant will result in a sig-
nificantly shortened service life.)
Therefore, the following product is strongly
recommended for use in your vehicle:
Mercedes-Benz 325.0 anticorrosion/anti-
freeze agent.
Before the start of the winter season (or
once a year in hot southern regions), you
should have the anticorrosion/antifreeze
concentration checked. The coolant is also
regularly checked each time you bring your
vehicle to an authorized Mercedes-Benz
Center for service.
Anticorrosion/antifreeze quantity
Approximately freeze protection
– 35°F (– 37°C) – 49°F (– 45°C)
Main cooling system 5.2 US qt (5.0 l) 5.8 US qt (5.5 l)
Low temperature cooling system 2.6 US qt (2.5 l) 2.9 US qt (2.75 l)