Front air bags 73
Front lamps see Headlamps
Fuel 279
Additives 462
Capacity, Fuel tank 457
Consumption statistics 167
Filler flap 279
Fuel reserve warning lamp 29, 350
Gasoline additives 462
Gauge 29
Premium unleaded gasoline 280,
459, 461
Refueling 279
Requirements 461
Fuel filler flap, Opening 279
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Capacities 457
Functions (control system) 145
Fuse box
Passenger compartment 439
Trunk 439
Fuse chart see Vehicle tool kit
Fuses 437
Garage door opener 257
Gasoline see Fuel
GAWR 323
Gear range
Automatic transmission 176
Indicator 29
Limiting 176
Shifting into optimal 180, 182
Gear selector lever 32, 172
Cleaning 339
Gearshift pattern 172
Lock 53
Position 173, 174
Shifting procedure 173
Gear selector lever one-touch gearshifting
Automatic transmission 179
Global locking/unlocking see Key
Glove box 238
Good visibility 185
Gross Axle Weight Rating see GAWR
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating see GVWR
Gross Vehicle Weight see GVW
GVW 323
GVWR 323
Hard plastic trim items, cleaning 339
Hardtop see Retractable hardtop
Hazard warning flasher 137
Head restraints 45
Headlamp switch-off delay see Delayed
switch-off, exterior lamps
Automatic mode 132
Cleaning lenses 336
Cleaning system 185
Manual mode 132
Messages in the multifunction
display 392
Replacing bulbs 409
Switch 57, 131
Headliner, cleaning 340
Head-thorax air bag 74
High beam flasher 57, 136
High beam headlamps 57, 131, 410
Indicator lamp 29
Messages in the multifunction
display 392, 393
Replacing bulbs 409, 412
Switching on 136
High mounted brake lamp 410