the auto working aperture!
In the camera modes “Av” (aperture priority mode)
or “M” (manual mode) the aperture selected on the
mecablitz must be manually set on the camera.
mecablitz 44 MZ-2,
45 CL-4 digital, 50 MZ-5,
54 MZ-..., 70 MZ-... and 76 MZ-5
The flash unit automatically adjusts its auto working
aperture to the aperture set on the camera. Ensure
that the subject is within the flash range of the
mecablitz (indicated on the LC-display)!
The auto mode “A” of the flash unit is not
supported by the EOS 700 / 750 / 850 / 5000
cameras. Please refer to the operating instructions
for the given camera!
With some digital cameras, the operating mode
"A" of the mecablitz is only possible if the manual
mode "M" is selected on the camera.
3.5 Manual flash mode M
In the manual flash mode “M” the light is not
controlled by a sensor. Instead the mecablitz
operates with full light output. Partial light output
levels can be adjusted on some mecablitz models
(see operating instructions for the given mecablitz).
For manual flash mode, the mecablitz is set to “M”.
Select the aperture priority mode “Av” or the “M”
manual mode on the camera (“X” is also possible
on some EOS cameras; see operating instructions
for the given camera).
mecablitz 60 CT
-4, 45 CL-4:
Select “M” or a partial light output on the