PowerShot Pro90IS, G2, G3, G5, G6, G7, G10,
mecablitz 45 CL-4 digital,
50 MZ-5, 54 MZ-.., 70
MZ-.., 76 MZ-5:
Aperture and ISO sensitivity are automatically set
on the mecablitz.
mecablitz 45 CL-4,
60 CT-4:
Aperture and ISO sensitivity must be manually set
on the mecablitz. The 45 CL-4 and 60 CT-4 models
additionally require the SCA 3000C cable.
PowerShot G1
Aperture and ISO sensitivity must be manually set
on the mecablitz.
C) Manual flash mode M
The manual flash mode M will be supported by the
camera only in the manual mode M. Switch the
camera to "M".
PowerShot Pro90IS, G2, G3, G5, G6, G7, G10,
mecablitz 45 CL-4 digital,
50 MZ-5, 54 MZ-...,
70 MZ-... and 76 MZ-5:
The ISO sensitivity is automatically set on the
mecablitz 45 CL-4,
60 CT-4:
The ISO sensitivity must be manually set on the
PowerShot G1
The ISO sensitivity must be manually set on the