
4. –reboot: Select enable or disable this function. If user enables this
function, after PPPoE disconnected, SIP Phone will
automatically reboot to re-connect, and after reboot, if SIP
Phone still can’t connect with server, SIP Phone will keep
trying to connect. On the other hand, if user disables this
function, SIP Phone won’t reboot and keep trying to connect.
(pppoe –reboot 0/1)
5. –echo: to set PPPoE send echo request function or not. Under some
ISP sending echo request will cause abnormal behavior for LAN
Phone, however, if user disable echo function, when ISP
disconnect, LAN Phone will not try to reconnect. Suggest for
most ISPs this function need to be enabled. Please refer to
pppoe –reboot function.
6.11 [flash] command
This command will clean the configuration stored in the flash rom to default
value and reboot the SIP Phone SP5101.
1. After user upgrade new software version, suggested to execute
this command to make sure new software work well on SIP Phone
2. To execute the command flash –clean, all configuration of SIP
Phone SP5101 stored in flash will be cleaned. It is authorized for
the user whose login name is “root” only.