1. High priority with DS-field.
Expected Forwarding (EF) 101110 ====> 46 (Decimal System)
Assured Forwarding (AF) 001010 ====> 10 (Decimal System)
010010 ====> 18 (Decimal System)
011010 ====> 26 (Decimal System)
100010 ====> 34 (Decimal System)
2. Low Priority with DS-field:
Assured Forwarding (AF) 001100 ====> 12 (Decimal System)
010100 ====> 20 (Decimal System)
011100 ====> 28 (Decimal System)
100100 ====> 36 (Decimal System)
001110 ====> 14 (Decimal System)
010110 ====> 22 (Decimal System)
011110 ====> 30 (Decimal System)
100110 ====> 38 (Decimal System)
000000 ====> 0 (Decimal System)
1. -print : display all current configurations.
2. –rtptype: set DSCP value of signaling packets from 0 to 63
3. –siptype: set DSCP value of RTP packets from 0 to 63
Note: This command won’t be functional until whole network
environment support DSCP function, e.g. all routers or switches in your
network have enabled DSCP feature.
6.19 [prefix] command
This command is for digit manipulation.
1. -add: Add a rule to drop or insert prefix digits of incoming call.
z prefix: Set which prefix number to implement prefix rule.