DHCP Commands
DHCP Commands
These commands are used to configure Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) client, relay, and server functions. You can configure any VLAN interface to
be automatically assigned an IP address via DHCP. This switch can be configured to
relay DHCP client configuration requests to a DHCP server on another network, or
you can configure this switch to provide DHCP service directly to any client.
DHCP Client
ip dhcp client-identifier
This command specifies the DCHP client identifier for the current interface. Use the
no form to remove this identifier.
ip dhcp client-identifier {text text | hex hex}
no ip dhcp client-identifier
• text - A text string. (Range: 1-15 characters)
• hex - The hexadecimal value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (VLAN)
Row Status The row status of this entry.
SNMP remote user A user associated with an SNMP engine on a remote device.
Table 4-42 DHCP Commands
Command Group Function Page
DHCP Client Allows interfaces to dynamically acquire IP address information 4-121
DHCP Relay Relays DHCP requests from local hosts to a remote DHCP server 4-123
DHCP Server Configures DHCP service using address pools or static bindings 4-124
Table 4-43 DHCP Client Commands
Command Function Mode Page
ip dhcp client-identifier Specifies the DHCP client identifier for this switch IC 4-121
ip dhcp restart client Submits a BOOTP or DHCP client request PE 4-122
Table 4-41 show snmp user - display description (Continued)
Field Description