Command Line Interface
show rip globals
This command displays global configuration settings for RIP.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
show ip rip
This command displays information about interfaces configured for RIP.
show ip rip {configuration | status | peer}
• configuration - Shows RIP configuration settings for each interface.
• status - Shows the status of routing messages on each interface.
• peer - Shows information on neighboring routers, along with information
about the last time a route update was received, the RIP version used by
the neighbor, and the status of routing messages received from this
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Console#show rip globals
RIP Process: Enabled
Update Time in Seconds: 30
Number of Route Change: 0
Number of Queries: 1
Table 4-87 show rip globals - display description
Field Description
RIP Process Indicates if RIP has been enabled or disabled.
Update Time in Seconds The interval at which RIP advertises known route information.
(Default: 30 seconds)
Number of Route Changes Number of times routing information has changed.
Number of Queries Number of router database queries received by this router.