Using the remote control to operate VCRs, cable
boxes and other components (cont.)
notes about your remote control
Sometimes manufacturers will change their' products, or they m_
use more than one code. If t_is is the case, your remote may not t
able to operate your VCR or cable box.
When you replace the batterles in your remote control, the remot
will usually return to its initial setting. You may need to set up
your remote again.
using your remote control[ to operate your VCR
After you have set up your rent ote control for your particular br_
of VCR, you can use the remote to operate your VCR.
q[]} Use the select switch on _:he remote control to choose the laye
that you set up to operate your VCR: VCR-A or VCR-B.
Point the remote control at the VCR and[ press the desired
If you are using a Mitsubishi VCR, you will be able to use all oft
buttons on the remote control to operate your VCR except for MU_
VOLUME and the PIP function buttons, which will always oper_
the TV itself.
If you are using another bra_ d of VCR, you (:an use the POWER,
buttons to operate your VCR.
using your remote control to operate your cable box
After you have set up your remote control for your particular bra
of cable box, you can use the remote to operate your cable box.
Use the select switch on the remote control to choose the laye_
that you set up to operat_ y_ur cable box: CABLE or VCR-B.
Point the remote control at the cable box and press the desire,
You can use the POWER, CHA2qNEL, numbers (0-9), and ENTEI
buttons to operate your cable box. If you are using an RCA DSS o_
PRIMESTAR®receiver, you may be able to use additional buttons
42 Chapter 3: Operating Your TV