Using SuperQuickView
SuperQuickView allows you to cycle through a list of up to ten
numbers with the SQV button. Use the menus to add channels to
the list or to remove channels from the list. You ,_an also add
channels directly to the list using only the remote control's SQV
[] Advanced Features
[] Set the Timer
[_ Use Parental Lock
r_ use SuperQuickView
_ ADJUST to select
ENTER to ente_
MENU to go back
[] Use SuperQuickView
I_ ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
_ADJUST to select
_] ENTER toenter
MENU to go back
[] Use SuperQuickView
[] ..... 003 [] ........
[] ........ [] ........
[] [] ........
[] [] ........
[] ........ []
.._ADJUST to select
ENTER to enter
[]_] MENU to go back
customizing the Super..
QuickView list with the menus
O Press the MENU button on the
remote control. The Main Menu
will appear on the screen.
O Use the ADJUST buttons to
select "Advanced Features."
Press ENTER.
O Use the _.X)JUST buttons to
select "Use SuperQuickView."
Press ENTER.
0 Use the 2LDJUST buttons to
select a position in the list;
press ENTER.
O Use the ADJUST buttons,
CHANNEL buttons oz"number
buttons to select the antenna
and add a channel to the list;
press ENTER. You can clear a
channel by pressing the CAN-
CEL but_on.
O Repeat steps _ and _._ to
customize tlhe SuperQuickView
Press the MENU button to exit
this menu.
Using the Advanced Features 77