6 - 65
Address Abbreviation Name Unit
E15C OSDOP Digital output signal
command (2 bytes)
Set the digital output signal command (ON/OFF) of the
digital output signal (DO_
) selected in the digital
output signal valid selection.
0 (bit 0) to DO_ F (bit 15)
is set in the digital output signal specification.
0: OFF
1: ON
Reserved (10 bytes)
Note 1. The addresses in the table are the addresses for the other axes start data 1. For the other axes data 2 and above, increase in
units of 68h for each axis.
[Setting example of output signal]
The following is the setting example for when the digital output signals DO_1F0 to DO_1F3 are turned
on after the other axes start conditions are satisfied.
Address Abbreviation Name
Setting value
Setting contents
E158 OSDOS Digital output signal specification 1F01h
Digital output signal control: valid, digital output signal
number: 1Fh
E15A OSDOE Digital output signal enable selection 000Fh bit0 to bit3: valid, bit4 to bit15: invalid
E15C OSDOP Digital output signal command 000Fh bit0 to bit3: ON
1) Cause of alarm
An incorrect setting of the other axes operation content causes an other axes start setting error
(operation alarm 4D, detail 02) at the start operation or point switching.
• The axis is specified in the start axis designation.
• A non-existent axis (Note) is set in the start axis designation.
• The setting of the start axis start point number or the start axis end point number is outside limits.
• The setting of the output signal specification is out of the range.
• The general output of the servo amplifier is not assigned to the digital output signal specified in the
output signal selection.
Note. A non-existent axis means an axis for which "0: Not controlled" is set to the control axis of the control option 1
(parameter No.0200), or a temporarily uncontrollable axis due to, for example, the power off of the control power
supply of the servo amplifier.