App. - 45
Function type Function Supported Remarks
Pass position interrupt
Mark detection
Continuous operation to torque control For the servo amplifier, use a software version
that supports continuous operation to torque
• MR-J3-
B: C7 or later
• MR-J3-
BS: C7 or later
Note. MR-J3W-
B is not supported.
Reading/writing parameters Parameters No. 0100 to 01FF are used as servo
Changing parameters at the servo Parameters No. 0100 to 01FF are used as servo
Alarm and system error The specific servo alarm number is always 0.
Monitor function For MR-J3(W)- B, some data cannot be
monitored. For details, refer to App. 5.17.
High speed monitor function
User watchdog function
Software reboot function
Parameter backup
Test mode Even when SSCNET is used, servo amplifier
can be adjusted using test operation function
(JOG, test positioning, machine analyzer etc.) of
the MR Configurator2 attached to the position
board using a USB connection.
Reconnect/disconnect function When using the SSCNET disconnect function for
the axes of a multiple-axis unit, make sure that
all the axes in the unit are simultaneously
disconnected. When the disconnection
command is sent to the second axis or later in
the same unit, "An axis that has not been
mounted exists" (system error E400) occurs.
Operation cycle monitor function For software version A4 or later, when operation
cycle alarm signal (OCME) is turned ON, an
operation cycle alarm (system alarm 35, detail
No.01) occurs.
Servo amplifier disconnect Operates in the following motor specifications.
Number of encoder pulses per revolution:
Maximum motor speed: 6000[r/min]
Alarm history function Supported by software version A3 or later
External forced stop disabled Supported by software version A5 or later
Tandem drive Tandem drive Set the same values for the servo parameters of
the tandem drive axes. However, the rotation
direction selection (servo parameter No.010D)
can be different values depending on
mechanical specifications.
Position control mode Supported by software version A3 or later
Speed control mode Supported by software version A4 or later
Torque control mode Supported by software version A4 or later
Note. : Supported : With restrictions : Unsupported