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6.6 Troubleshooting
This section describes the various types of trouble that occur when the system is
operated, and causes and corrective actions of these troubles.
6.6.1 Basics of troubleshooting
In order to increase the reliability of the system, not only highly reliable devices are
used but also the speedy startup of the system after the occurrence of trouble
becomes an important factor.
To start up the system speedily, the cause of the trouble must be located and
eliminated correctly.
The basic three points that must be followed in the troubleshooting are as follows.
(1) Visual inspection
Visually check the following.
(a) Movement of machine (stopped condition, operating condition)
(b) Power supply on/off
(c) State of I/O devices
(d) Installation condition of the Power supply module, Q173CPU(N)/Q172CPU(N)
module, PLC CPU module, I/O module, Q172LX/Q172EX/Q173PX Motion
module, SSCNET cable, SSC I/F communication cable, Synchronous
encoder cable and cable for the teaching unit.
(e) State of wiring (I/O cables, cables)
(f) Display states of various types of indicators (MODE LED, RUN LED, M.RUN
LED, ERR. LED, I/O LED,etc.)
(g) Setting states of various types of set switches (Number of extension bases
setting, memory back-up, etc.)
After confirming items (a) to (g), Motion CPU module connect the SW6RN-GSV
P, PLC CPU module connect the GX Developer and check the operating
conditions of the servomotors and the error code.
(2) Check of trouble
Check to see how the operating condition varies while the Motion controller is
operated is operated as follows.
(a) Set the RUN/STOP switch to STOP.
(b) Reset the trouble with the RESET/L.CLR switch.
(c) Turn ON and OFF the power supply.
(3) Reduction in area
Estimate the troubled part in accordance with items (1) and (2) above.
(a) Multiple CPU system or external devices?
(b) Motion CPU or PLC CPU?
(c) I/O module or others?
(d) Servo program or Motion SFC program?
(e) PLC program?