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(3) Connection of manual pulse generator
Manual pulse generators are available in voltage output/open collector type and
differential output type. Since these types differ in connection method, design
according to the connection method of section 2.4.6 (5).
In addition the usable numbers of manual pulse generator which can be used
with each CPU modules are up to 3 modules.
Motion CPU module Manual pulse generator
Up to 3 modules
( Up to 1 module )
(4) Connection of incremental synchronous encoder
Incremental synchronous encoders are available in voltage output/Open collector
type and differential output type. Since these types differ in connection method,
design according to the connection method of section 2.4.6 (5).
Serial type absolute synchronous encoder (MR-HENC/Q170ENC) not connected
to Q173PX. Then connect to Q172EX.
In addition, the usable numbers of synchronous encoders differ depending on the
The following number of serial absolute synchronous encoders and incremental
synchronous encoders combined can be used.
Motion CPU module Synchronous encoder
Up to 12 modules
( Q173PX: Up to 4 modules )
Up to 8 modules
( Q173PX: Up to 3 modules )
• Tracking enable signal
Tracking enable signal of Q173PX is used to start the input from
incremental synchronous encoders.
The external input signal of the incremental synchronous encoder is
indicated below.
This signal is used as the input start signal or high-speed reading function
from incremental synchronous encoder.
External input signal of the
incremental synchronous encoder
Number of points on
one Q173PX
Tracking enable signal input
Input start function from incremental
synchronous encoder
Each 1 point
( Total 3 points )