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Table 4.3 Monitor devices list
Device No.
Name Remark
#8000 + 20n #8064 + 4n Servo amplifier type
#8001 + 20n #8065 + 4n Motor current
#8002 + 20n
#8003 + 20n
#8066 + 4n
#8067 + 4n
Motor speed
#8004 + 20n
#8005 + 20n
— Command speed
#8006 + 20n
#8007 + 20n
— Home position return re-travel value
New device in
(Note-1) : "n" in the above device No. indicates the numerical value which correspond to axis No.
(b) Motion error history
Table 4.4 Motion registers (Motion error history) list
Device No.
Name Remark
#8640 to #8651 #8000 to #8007
Seventh error information in past
(Oldest error information)
#8652 to #8663 #8008 to #8015 Sixth error information in past
#8664 to #8675 #8016 to #8023 Fifth error information in past
#8676 to #8687 #8024 to #8031 Fourth error information in past
#8688 to #8699 #8032 to #8039 Third error information in past
#8700 to #8711 #8040 to #8047 Second error information in past
#8712 to #8723 #8048 to #8055 First error information in past
#8724 to #8735 #8056 to #8063 Latest error information
Table 4.5 Motion error history list
Device No.
Name Remark
#8640 + 12n #8000 + 8n Error Motion SFC program No.
#8641 + 12n #8001 + 8n Error type
#8642 + 12n #8002 + 8n Error program No.
#8643 + 12n #8003 + 8n Error block No./Motion SFC list/Line No./Axis No.
#8644 + 12n #8004 + 8n Error code
#8645 + 12n #8005 + 8n Error occurrence time (Year/month
#8646 + 12n #8006 + 8n Error occurrence time (Day/hour)
#8647 + 12n #8007 + 8n Error occurrence time (Minute/second)
#8648 + 12n — Error setting data information
#8649 + 12n — Unusable
#8650 + 12n
#8651 + 12n
— Error setting data
New device in
(Note-1) : "n" in the above device No. indicates the numerical value which correspond to axis No.