APP - 33
(4) Other devices
Table 4.8 Other devices list
M2320 to M2399 Unusable Special relay allocated devices (Status)
M2400 to M3039
Device area of 9 axes or more is usable as user
devices in Q172DCPU.
Device area of 9 axes or more is unusable as
user devices in Q172HCPU.
M3136 to M3199 Unusable
Special relay allocated devices
(Command signal)
M3200 to M3839
D0 to D639
Internal relays/
Data registers
D640 to D703
Device area of 9 axes or more is usable as user
devices in Q172DCPU.
Device area of 9 axes or more is unusable in
Personal computer link
communication error flag
— M2034
PCPU READY complete SM500 D759
D9 + 20n (Data shortened to 1 word)
Home position return re-travel value
#8006 + 20n, #8007 + 20n
(Referring at monitoring)
D9 + 20n
Travel value change registers
Optional device
(Set for D16 + 20n, D17 + 20n are also usable.)
D16 + 20n, D17 + 20n
D0 to D8191 D800 to D8191
W0 to W1FFF W0 to W1FFF
#0 to #7999 #0 to #7999
Indirect setting devices
(Word devices)
\G10000 to U \G(10000 + p – 1)
X0 to X1FFF X0 to X1FFFF
Y0 to Y1FFF Y0 to Y1FFF
M0 to M8191 M/L0 to M/L8191
— M9000 to M9255
B0 to B1FFF B0 to B1FFF
F0 to F2047 F0 to F2047
Indirect setting devices
(Bit devices)
\G10000.0 to U \G(10000 + p – 1).F
D0 to D8191 D800 to D3069, D3080 to D8191
W0 to W1FFF W0 to W1FFF
High-speed reading function
settable devices
\G10000 to U \G(10000 + p – 1)
D0 to D8191 D0 to D8191
W0 to W1FFF W0 to W1FFF
#0 to #7999 #0 to #7999
Optional data monitor function
settable devices
\G10000 to U \G(10000 + p – 1)
(Note-1) : "n" in the above device No. indicates the numerical value which correspond to axis No.
(Note-2) : "p" indicates the user setting area points of Multiple CPU high speed transmission area in each CPU.