4 - 6
3) When the optional device data is set, the following data type is set as the
data type to be compared.
Data type Device No. setting range
16-bit integer type
32-bit integer type
64-bit floating-point type
Set the device No. as an even No..
(3) ON region setting
(a) The data range which makes the output device turn ON/OFF toward the
watch data.
(b) The following devices can be used as the ON Value and OFF Value of the
data range.
The data type of device/constant to be set is the same as the type of watch
Item Device No. setting range
Data register D0 to D8191
Link register W0 to W1FFF
Motion register #0 to #8191
Constant Hn/Kn
(4) Output enable/disable bit
(a) Set the status of output enable/disable bit when the limit switch output is
forbidden during operation.
1) The following control is exercised.
Output enable/disable bit Control description
Without setting (always enable)
ON (enable)
Limit switch output is turned ON/OFF
based on the ON region setting (ON
Value, OFF Value).
With setting
OFF (disable) Limit switch output is turned OFF.
(b) Usable devices
Item Device No. setting range
Input relay
X0 to X1FFF
Output relay
Y0 to Y1FFF
Internal relay M0 to M8191
Latch relay L0 to L8191
Link relay B0 to B1FFF
Annunciator F0 to F2047
Special relay M9000 to M9255
(Note-1) : The real input range(PX) is included.
(Note-2) : The real input range(PY) is included.