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(2) Parameters common throughout the Multiple CPU system
In the Motion CPU, during initialization the parameters in the table below are
verified against the parameters in the PLC CPU of CPU No. 1. Unmatched
parameters generate a PARAMETER ERROR (error code: 3012), so the
parameters show below must be set identically between Motion CPUs and the
PLC CPU of CPU No.1. (If the system settings are changed in a Motion CPU, it is
necessary to reset. Therefore, the parameters are checked only during
PLC CPUs can use the parameters of the other CPUs via "Multiple CPU
parameter utilization" in GX Developer. Since Motion CPUs don't have this
function, however, the common parameters must be set for each Motion CPU.
Table of Parameters common throughout the Multiple CPU system
Type of parameter
Name in Motion CPU Name in PLC CPU
Verification item Remark
Number of Multiple CPUs Number of CPU modules
Operation mode
Operation mode when a CPU
stop error occurred
Multiple CPU settings
Automatic refresh setting
Number of automatic refresh
Motion slot settings
Control CPU No.
• Only the module numbers
set in System Settings on
the Motion CPU side are
Total number of bases
Base No.
Base settings
I/O assignment
Number of base slots
• Not verified if base settings
are omitted on the PLC
CPU side.