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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
For the 2-axis or more interpolation control, the bias speed at start is applied by the
setting of "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed designation method".
"0: Composite speed" : Bias speed at start set to the reference axis is applied
to the composite command speed.
"1: Reference axis speed": Bias speed at start is applied to the reference axis.
(1) Precautionary notes
(a) "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start" is valid regardless of motor type. Set "0" when
using the motor other than the stepping motor. Otherwise, it may cause
vibration or impact even though an error does not occur.
(b) Set "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start" according to the specification of stepping
motor driver. If the setting is outside the range, it may cause the following
troubles by rapid speed change or overload.
Stepping motor steps out.
An error occurs in the stepping motor driver.
(c) In synchronous control, when "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start" is set to the
servo input axis, the bias speed at start is applied to the servo input axis.
Note that the unexpected operation might be generated to the output axis.
(d) Set "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start" within the following range.
"[Pr.8] Speed limit value" >= "[Pr.46] OPR speed" >= "[Pr.47] Creep speed" >= "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start"
(e) If following data are less than "[Pr.7] Bias speed at start", the warning
"Below bias speed" (warning code: 114) will occur, and it will operate at
"[Pr.7] Bias speed at start".
"[Da.8] Command speed" of positioning data
"[Da.8] Command speed" of next point for continuous path control
"[Cd.14] New speed value" for speed change function
(f) When using S-curve acceleration/deceleration processing and bias speed
at start together, S-curve acceleration/deceleration processing is carried
out based on the acceleration/deceleration time set by user, "[Pr.8]
Speed limit value" and "[Pr.35] S-curve ratio" (1 to 100%) in the section
of acceleration/deceleration from bias speed at start to command speed.