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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
Storage item Storage details
[Md.39] In speed limit flag
If the speed exceeds the "[Pr.8] Speed limit value" ("[Pr.31] JOG speed limit
value" at JOG operation control) due to a speed change or override, the speed
limit functions, and the in speed limit flag turns ON.
When the speed drops to less than "[Pr.8] Speed limit value" ("[Pr.31] JOG speed
limit value" at JOG operation control), or when the axis stops, the in speed limit
flag turns OFF.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.40] In speed change processing
The speed change process flag turns ON when the speed is changed during
positioning control.
After the speed change process is completed or when deceleration starts with the
stop signal during the speed change process, the in speed change process flag
turns OFF.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.41] Special start repetition counter
This area stores the remaining number of repetitions during "repetitions" specific
to special starting.
The count is decremented by one (-1) at the loop end.
The control comes out of the loop when the count reaches "0".
This area stores "0" within an infinite loop.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.42] Control system repetition
This area stores the remaining number of repetitions during "repetitions" specific
to control system.
The count is decremented by one (-1) at the loop start.
The loop is terminated with the positioning data of the control method "LEND",
after the counter becomes "0".
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.43] Start data pointer being
This area stores a point No. (1 to 50) attached to the start data currently being
This area stores "0" after completion of a positioning operation.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.44] Positioning data No. being
This area stores a positioning data No. attached to the positioning data currently
being executed.
This area stores "0" when the JOG/inching operation is executed.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.45] Block No. being executed
When the operation is controlled by "block start data", this area stores a block
number (7000 to 7004) attached to the block currently being executed.
At other times, this area stores "0".
Refresh cycle: At start