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Library type
Figures and objects registered to the library are
registered as templates.
Templates are registered under any of libraries.
(1) User created library
Objects or figures created by a user can be registered.
My Favorite
User created library
(a) My Favorite
Objects or figures registered as "My favorite" are
registered on the "My Favorite" toolbars.
When frequently used objects/figures are registered
on My Favorite toolbars, it is convenient to use
Displayed on "My Favorite" toolbars
(b) User created library
It is a library to register user created figures/objects.
When folders are classified for each type, it is
convenient to use them.
User-created objects or figures are registered.
(2) System library
The library (not changed by a user) provided by the GT
Designer2 has been registered.
Retrieving a preset template and arrange it on the
screen facilitates settings of lamps or switches.
Libraries/templates in the system library cannot be
registered, deleted or changed for their attributes.
Number of templates that can be registered
The maximum number of user created libraries is 50. For one library, the maximum 200 templates
can be registered.