8 - 13 8 - 13
(d) Line
Each line is converted as shown below (1-dot width).
Before import (DXF data) After import (GTD2 data) A F
DASHED Dotted line
HIDDEN Dotted line
CENTER Dashed line
PHANTOM Dashed line
User definition Full line
Others Full line
(e) Color
The color is converted as shown below.
Before import (DXF data) After import (GTD2 data) A F
Red (0x09) Red (224)
Yellow (0x02) Yellow (252)
Green (0x03) Green (28)
Light blue (0x04) Light blue (31)
Blue (0x05) Blue (3)
Purple (0x06) Purple (227)
White (0x07) White (255)
Black (0x08) Black (0)
Dark red (0x09) Dark red (160)
Dark yellow (0x0A) Dark yellow (180)
Dark green (0x0B) Dark green (20)
Dark-light blue (0x0C) Dark-light blue (22)
Dark blue (0x0D) Dark blue (2)
Dark purple (0x0E) Dark purple (162)
Dark white (0x0F) Dark white (109)
Others Others (255)
(2) Editing DXF format figure data
To edit the grouped figure data on GT Desinger2, ungroup it once.
After the edition, group them again.
(3) Category
After being imported, the DXF format data will be registered and stored in ”None”.
(The ungrouped data will be also stored in “None”.)
If necessary, register it again.