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Generic Term/Abbreviation Description
Computer link communication
(Serial communication)
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using the
computer link module
Described as serial communication especially in communication that uses QC24(N)
or Q series-compatible C24, L series-compatible C24.
Ethernet communication
Abbreviation for communication by connecting the IBM-PC/AT compatible to
Ethernet module or the built-in Ethernet port CPU
CPU COM communication
Abbreviation of communication made by connecting the IBM-PC/AT compatible to
the RS-232 or RS-422 connector of programmable controller CPU
CPU USB communication
Abbreviation for communication by connecting IBM-PC/AT compatible to the USB
connector of QCPU (Q mode), LCPU
MELSECNET/10 communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using
MELSECNET/10 board
MELSECNET/H communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using
CC-Link IE Controller Network
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using CC-Link
IE Controller Network board
CC-Link IE Field Network
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using CC-Link
IE Field Network board
CC-Link communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using CC-Link
CC-Link G4 communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using CC-Link
G4 module
CPU board communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using CPU
Q series bus communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU on the same
base using PC CPU module
GX Simulator communication Abbreviation for communication with GX Simulator
GX Simulator2 communication Abbreviation for communication using the simulation functions of GX Works2
Modem communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU via modems
using QC24N (except AJ71QC24N-R4), Q series-compatible C24, L series-
compatible C24, A6TEL, Q6TEL or FXCPU
Gateway function communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU and third-party
programmable controllers using the gateway functions of GOT
GOT transparent communication
Abbreviation for communication with programmable controller CPU using the GOT
transparent functions of GOT
Utility setting type Abbreviation for user program creation using the communication settings utility
Program setting type
Abbreviation for user program creation without using the communication settings
ACT controls Generic term for ActiveX controls offered by MX Component
Redundant CPU Generic term for Q12PRHCPU and Q25PRHCPU
Redundant type extension base
Abbreviation for Q65WRB extension base unit for redundant system