5 - 9 5 - 9
(From the previous page)
Wizard 2)
2) Select the "PC side I/F" to communicate with.
The items shown in "Communication setting" change with
the setting made in "PC side I/F".
Set all available setting items and click Next>
The choices corresponding to the communications in "PC
side I/F" are indicated below.
Setting Item Communication Name
USB USB communication
USB(via GOT) GOT transparent communication
Computer link communication,
CPU COM communication,
CC-Link G4 communication
Serial(via GOT) GOT transparent communication
Ethernet board
Ethernet communication,
Gateway function communication
Ethernet(via GOT) GOT transparent communication
Modem Modem communication
CC IE Control board
CC-Link IE Controller Network
MELSECNET/H board MELSECNET/H communication
MELSECNET/10 board MELSECNET/10 communication
CC IE Field board CC-Link IE Field Network communication
CC-Link board CC-Link communication
Q Series Bus Q Series bus communication
GX Simulator2 GX Simulator2 communication
GX Simulator GX Simulator communication
CPU board CPU board communication
Wizard 3)
(To the next page)
3) Wizard 3) differs in available setting items depending on
the settings on Wizard 2).
Set all available setting items and click Next>
When via GOT is selected on Wizard 2, the following
screen appears.
(Wizard 3) differs in available setting items depending on
the settings on Wizard 2))
Set all available setting items and click Next>