Down (PgDn). By means of softkeys, as well as the page keys the drawing area can be
halved or doubled. As the effect of Full Sceen action the centre of the screen
automatically adjusted to the middle of the tool path and scaling is set that the tool path
covers the whole screen.
Graphic Action Menu: After pushing the softkey the following actions appear: Auto Erase,
G40, G53, Dotted. Using Auto Erase the item with the same title in graphic parame-
ters table can be set or reset. Its effect detailed above. The softkey G40 can only be
used in case of running in TEST mode. In its switched-on state the drawing appears on
the screen without tool radius compensation. In the pushed in state of button G53
drawing is done in machine coordinate system instead of the actual work coordinate
system, that is if more coordinate systems are used in the same program the tool path
can be seen separetely. In the pushed in state of button Dotted the separate points are
not connected together with lines. It is useful when the program consists of small
minute lines.
Refresh action: The operation clears the screen and draws the tool path again.
Window Action menu: After using this key a frame appears on the screen. This frame can be
shrinked onto a detail of tool path with function keys appearing on soft keys or cursor
and paging keys the way as they are used in Move and Zoom operations. After paging
out of this action group the detail assigned by the frame is drawn onto the screen.