3.6 SETTING Screens
3.6.2 Screen of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #100–#199
In the general displaying area
common macro variables
#100–#199 and their values can
be seen. Variables #120–#199
are vacated upon power-off and
when resetting automatic mode
(RESET) Variables #100–#119
are also vacated in case of value
1 of parameter CLCV, otherwise
their values are preserved.
A highlighting bar can be moved
along the macro variables by
means of arrow keys up and
down. This highlighting bar
shows the variables to be edited.
A new value can be given to the
variables in the bottom line. By terminating data input the new value is written in the variable.
Values can also be given to macro variables indirectly; By entering the code of another macro
variable (e.g.: #540) it registers the value of that variable. By entering #0 the macro variable is
Actions of COMMON MACRO VARIABLES #100–#199 Screen
The following actions and action menus can be activated to the screen of COMMON MACRO
VARIABLES #100–#199 by pressing action menu key :
all 1
all 2
Vacant All Action Menu:
When pressing the key the question CLEAR VACANT ALL?
can be seen in the bottom left part of general displaying area, together with Exec and
Cancel actions n the menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual. With Exec in effect
all macro variables are vacated (#0).
Zero All Action Menu: When pressing the key the question ZERO ALL? can be seen in the
bottom left part of general displaying area, together with Exec and Cancel actions in
the menu bar, the meaning of which is the usual. With Exec in effect all macro variables
are zeroed (0).
Exp Action: When pressing the key the exponent of the variable can be entered.