NB600W Super-G Wireless Broadband Gateway User Guide YML775 Rev1
30 www.netcomm.com.au
Field Description
If one or more of the clients use 802.11g or 802.11b
connecting to the gateway, the gateway will be in
802.11b/g mixed mode. At Super-G, the channel will
be fixed at 6, the regular 802.11g and 802.11b clients
cannot connect to the gateway when in this mode.
The default value is in 802.11b/g mixed mode, you
can use both 802.11b and 802.11g’s wireless network
interface card to connect to the gateway. If you want
to support only 802.11b, choose 802.11b only.
Enable Wireless Access List Check the box to enable the wireless access control
list. Only users in the access list can connect to the
wireless network when enabled. Click Setup Access
List to configure the list.
Security Mode It is strongly recommended to use one of the Wireless
Security modes to protect your local network.
The gateway supports four different types of security
modes for your network: WEP (Wire Equivalence
Protection) encryption, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected
Access) Pre-Shared key, WPA RADIUS (Remote Ac-
cess Dial In User Service) and 802.1x RADIUS.
To enable Security Settings, choose one of the secu-
rity modes you desired.
WEP There are three levels of WEP encryption, 64-bit,
128-bit and 152-bit.
The higher the encryption bit, the more secure your
network, however, speed is sacrificed at higher bit
levels. To utilize WEP, select the desired encryption
bit, and enter a passphrase then click generate. You
might enter the WEP key in HEX or ASCII form.