ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance Reference Manual
v1.0, January 2010
tabs, submenu (Web Management Interface) 2-5
TCP flood, blocking 5-28
TCP time-out 5-31
network, troubleshooting 12-7
settings 2-9
technical specifications A-2
Test LED 1-11, 12-2
connectivity 2-26
HTTP scanning 2-26
daylight savings, troubleshooting 12-10
settings 2-15, 10-24
troubleshooting 12-10
error, troubleshooting 12-4
sessions 5-31
tips, firewall and content filtering 5-2
ToS 1-6, 5-6, 5-9, 5-35, 5-37
tracert, using with DDNS 10-13
tracing a route (traceroute) 11-45
action when reaching limit 11-4
diagnostic tools 11-43, 11-46
inbound (dual-WAN port models, planning) B-6
increasing 10-5
logs 11-8, 11-32, 11-34
management 10-1
meter (or counter) 3-24, 11-1
real-time diagnostics 11-46
reducing 10-2
total scanned, in MB 11-19
total, in bytes 11-17
volume by protocol 11-4
traps, SNMP 10-15
trial period, service licenses 2-27
basic functioning 12-2
browsers 12-4
configuration settings, using sniffer 12-4
date and time 12-10
faults 12-4
ISP connection 12-5
LEDs 12-2, 12-3
NTP 12-10
remote management 10-13
remotely 12-10
testing your setup 12-8
time-out error 12-4
Web Management Interface 12-3
certificates 9-19, 9-20
hosts 6-37
Two-Factor Authentication. See WiKID.
Type of Service. See ToS.
TZO.com 3-19, 3-21
UDP flood, blocking 5-29
UDP time-out 5-31
understanding log messages C-1
update failure alert 11-10
upgrading, firmware 10-20
blacklist 6-32
misclassification 6-30
using wildcards 6-32
whitelist 6-32
USB port, non-functioning 1-10
user name, default 2-3
user policies, precedence 8-31
user portal 8-15
active VPN users 11-24
administrator (admin), settings 10-9
assigned groups 9-11
login policies
based on IP address 9-13
based on Web browser 9-14
general 9-12
login time-out 9-16
passwords, changing 9-16
user accounts 9-9
user types 9-11, 9-17