ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance Reference Manual
Manually Configuring Internet and WAN Settings 3-5
v1.0, January 2010
The WAN Status window should show a valid IP address and gateway. If the configuration
was not successful, skip ahead to “Manually Configuring the Internet Connection” on this
page , or see “Troubleshooting the ISP Connection” on page 12-5.
4. Click the WAN2 ISP Settings tab (dual-WAN port models only).
5. Repeat the previous steps to automatically detect and configure the WAN2 Internet connection
(dual-WAN port models only).
6. Open the WAN Status window and verify a successful connection
If your WAN ISP configuration was successful, you can skip ahead to “Configuring the WAN
Mode (Required for Dual-WAN Port Models Only)” on page 3-9.
If one or both automatic WAN ISP configurations failed, you can attempt a manual configuration
as described in the following section, or see “Troubleshooting the ISP Connection” on page 12-5.
Setting the UTM’s MAC Address
Each computer or router on your network has a unique 48-bit local Ethernet address. This is also
referred to as the computer’s Media Access Control (MAC) address. The default is set to Use
Default Address. If your ISP requires MAC authentication and another MAC address has been
previously registered with your ISP, then you must enter that address. Setting the UTM’s MAC
address is controlled through the Advanced options on the single WAN-port model’s WAN ISP
Settings screen or the dual WAN-port model’s WAN1 ISP Settings and WAN2 ISP Settings screen
(see“Configuring Advanced WAN Options” on page 3-22).
Manually Configuring the Internet Connection
Unless your ISP automatically assigns your configuration via DHCP, you need to obtain
configuration parameters from your ISP in order to manually establish an Internet connection. The
necessary parameters for various connection types are listed in Table 3-1 on page 3-4.
Note: If the configuration process was successful, you are connected to the Internet
through WAN port 1. If you intend to use the dual WAN capabilities of the
UTM25, continue with the configuration process for WAN port 2.
Note: For more information about the WAN Connection Status screen, see “Viewing
the WAN Ports Status” on page 11-27.