© gate5 AG, 2006. All rights reserved.
Route Settings
Change the guidance options, as described on page 25.
Map Settings
Open a menu with map settings, as described on page 27.
Here you can also toggle between map and arrow mode for guidance.
Alter the volume of the voice commands.
Info box options
Select the info box while navigating to open a set of navigation options:
Alt. route :
With this option, you can choose to block the calculated route for a given distance (e.
g. 0.5 km) and force an alternative route. Simply tap on the icon which shows the
desired distance. Your route will be recalculated, and the previous route will be
discarded for the given distance.
You can redirect your route by choosing a point of interest (POI), like a petrol station.
List of waypoints
Opens a list of the waypoints on your itinerary.
Save your actual position as a bookmark.
When you change to the arrow mode, the navigation
screen will not show the map but only an arrow
indicating the upcoming manoeuvre