© gate5 AG, 2006. All rights reserved.
• Choose Change Language to select the language of your navigation
Map settings
• Choose Change Map Settings to change the map settings.
The window with the map settings will be shown:
Toggle between night and day mode by pressing the corresponding icon.
By selecting Automatic, the mode will be chosen depending on the actual
Choose Maps to choose a map.
If you have map data for different regions/cities on your memory card, tap
on the name of the current region (e. g. London). All available maps on the
memory card will be listed. You can choose the desired region by simply
tapping on its name.
Toggle between 2D and 3D mode by pressing the corresponding icon.
Choose Track Up to optimize the map orientation during navigation.
Choose North up to keep the map oriented to the north.
Choose Set time to choose your time zone.
The time itself is set automatically through GPS.