
iR1200 Modem
108 nextel.com
Packet of Data
A bundle or block of data, organized in a specific way for transmission.
Parallel Port
A low speed port, usually located on the rear of a computer which usually
connects to printers. Parallel ports transmit data simultaneously over eight
“parallel wires” one byte at a time (as opposed to a serial port, which transmits
data one bit at a time).
Parity Bit
Parity is a process for detecting whether bits of data have been altered during
transmission. A Parity Bit is a non-data bit that is added to a group of data bits
to check for transmission errors. Parity Bits are used in Parity checking which
is an error-checking method in asynchronous transmission. The parity bit tells
the receiving end of a transmission whether there should be an even or odd
number of bits contained in that transmission.
Personal Identification Number.
(Packet INternet Groper) An Internet utility used to determine whether a
particular IP address is online. It is used to test and debug a network by sending
out a packet and waiting for a response. A program used to test whether or not
a network component is available.
(Point-to-Point Protocol) The most common method for connecting to the
Internet. PPP provides serial line (dial-up) connectivity, authentication,
compression and encryption between two computers and can handle several
protocols simultaneously.
Hardware and software standards that govern transmission between two
communications devices. There are several layers, or levels, of functionality in
a protocol. Each layer may be available, as a separate software component, or
several layers may be combined into one.
Public IP Address
See Routable IP Address.