Modem Profiles and Settings
RFM-4002-5015 Rev 3
AT Command MIP Authentication Key
Command Syntax AT+WV301=”AAAXXX”
(Make sure that the
Authentication Key Name is
entered with the quotation
mark. Substitute the values
within the quotation with the
one supplied by your system
administrator or service
Expected Return Code(s) OK
Mobile IP Security Parameter Index (SPI)
The SPI is similar to the Authentication Key in that the modem and the home
Agent must have identical values registered for the computer.
AT Command MIP Security Parameter Index
Command Syntax AT+WV309=XXX
(Insert appropriate SPI where X
appears, the SPI can be
obtained from your system
administration or service
Expected Return Code(s) OK
Mobile Node IP Prefix Length
The IP address prefix length is the number of contiguous bits that make up the
network prefix of that address. This command allows you to specify the prefix
length of the computer’s IP address.
AT Command Mobile Node IP Prefix Length
Command Syntax AT+WV311=X