Entering Pipes and Doors
Press in the direction of pipe entrance
Sidle on Walls
Left or right on
Hang and Go
Left or right on
Grab & Throw Items
Dash Button
Jump Button
Swing on Ropes
Left or right on while grabbing
Hit Fences
Climb on Fences
While Hanging:
Turn Flip Panels
While hanging: Dash Button
While hanging: Dash Button
Press in the
direction of a pipe
entrance to enter it.
Press up on to go
through doors.
Press left or right on to
sidle slowly along cliffs.
Mario can still make short
jumps while doing this.
Press left or right on to
move while hanging from
edges. Press up on to
climb up.
Hit shelled enemies to make them hide inside
their shells. Then, press the dash button to
pick them up, and release the dash button to
throw them. Shelled enemies aren’t the only
enemies you can pick up.
In the water, press
and hold left or right
on and press the
jump button to swim.
Press up on to grab ropes and vines.
Then, press left and right on to
swing back and forth. Press the jump
button to let go.
Press the dash button on flip
panels to spin them and move to
the other side.
Press up on to grab
on to fences. Then
press up, down, left, or
right on to move.
Press the jump button
to let go.
Press the dash button
while climbing to
bang on a fence and
attack enemies on the
other side.
while hanging