Mini Mario
Shell Mario
Shell Dash
Snag a Mini Mushroom to shrink Mario
down to micro size. In this teeny form,
Mario can go into small pipes and travel
down tiny paths. Plus, he’s so light that
he can perform floating jumps and run
on water! If he gets hit by enemies,
though, Mini Mario’s done for.
When Mario picks up a special blue koopa shell, he’ll transform into Shell
Mario. Press left or right on while holding the dash button to perform a
shell dash and go crashing into enemies. If Mario gets hit by an enemy
when he’s not shell dashing, he’ll lose his shell and become Super Mario.
Two Players
Hit enemies while shell-dashing to send
them flying. If you hit walls or blocks,
Mario will go careening off in the opposite
direction. To stop shell-dashing, simply
release the dash button.