Specification chart:
Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RW
Supported file systems ISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, AppleISO, Romeo, Joliet * ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported.
Version MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2.5
Sampling frequency 8 kHz - 48kHz
Bit rate 8 kbps - 320 kbps,VBR
WMA Version WMA7, WMA8, WMA9
Sampling frequency 32 kHz - 48kHz
Bit rate 48 kbps - 192 kbps,VBR
Tag information ID3 tag VER1.0, VER1.1, VER2.2,VER2.3 (MP3 only)
Folder levels Folder levels: 8, Max folders:255 (including root folder), Files:512 (Max. 255 files for one folder)
Text character number limitation 128 characters
Displayable character codes*2
01: ASCII, 02: ISO-8859-1, 03:UNICODE (UTF-16 BOM Big Endian), 04: UNICODE (UTF-16 Non-BOM Big Endian), 05:
UNICODE (UTF-8), 06: UNICODE (Non-UTF-16 BOM LittleEndian)
*1 Files created with a combination of 48 kHz sampling frequency and 64 kbps bit rate cannot be played.
*2 Available codes depend on what kind of media, versions and information are going to be displayed.
4-30 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems