Display album cover art:
When an audio source encoded with album
cover art is played, the album cover art can be
displayed on the screen.To toggle thisfeature on
or off, touch the “Display Album Cover Art” key.
When the feature is activated, the amber indica-
tor next to the word ON will illuminate.
CD, DVD or USB with compressed audio
While listening to a CD or compressed audio
files, certain text might be able to be displayed
(when CD encoded with text is being used).
Depending on how the CD or compressed audio
files are encoded, the following text might be
● Folder displays the name of the current
folder being accessed.
● File displays the name of the file currently
● Song displays the ID3 encoded tag of the
song name.
● Album displays the ID3 encoded tag of the
album name.
● Artist displays the ID3 encoded tag of the
artist’s name.
Some ofthis text mightnot displaywhile playing a
regular CD.
FM/AM/SAT radio operation
FM/AM band select:
Pressing the FM·AM button will change the band
as follows:
AM → FM1 → FM2 → AM
When the FM·AM button is pressed while the
ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position, the
radio will come on at the station last played.
The last station played will also come on when
the VOL/ON·OFF control knob is pressed ON.
If a compact disc is playing when the FM·AM
button is pressed, the compact disc will auto-
matically be turned off and the last radio station
played will come on.
LHA1257 LHA1258
4-50 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems