
The system is designed as an aid to the
driver in detecting large stationary ob-
jects to help avoid damaging the ve-
hicle. The system will not detect small
objects below the bumper, and may not
detect objects close to the bumper or
on the ground.
If your vehicle sustains damage to the
front bumper fascia, leaving it mis-
aligned or bent, the sensing zone may
be altered causing inaccurate measure-
ment of obstacles or false alarms.
The Front Sonar System (FSS) sounds a tone to
warn the driver of obstacles near the front
bumper when the shift selector is in a forward
gear. The system may not detect objects at
speeds above3mph (5km/h)and maynot detect
certain angular or moving objects.
The FSSdetects obstaclesup to3 ft(1.0 m)from
the frontbumper with adecreased coveragearea
at the outer corners of the bumper, (refer to the
illustration forapproximate zone coverageareas).
As youmovecloser totheobstacle, therate ofthe
tone increases. When the obstacle is less than
12 in (30.0 cm) away, the tone will sound con-
tinuously. If the FSS detects a stationary or re-
ceding object further than 12 in (30.0 cm) from
the sideof the vehicle,the tonewill sound foronly
3 seconds. Once the system detects an object
approaching, the tone will sound again.
The FSS automatically turns on when the shift
selector is placed in a forward gear and the
ignition switch is ON. The front and rear sonar
system off switch on the instrument panel allows
the driver to turn the FSS on and off. To turn the
FSS off, the ignition switch must be ON, and the
shift selectorin D(Drive).An indicatorlight onthe
switch will illuminate when the system is turned
off. If the indicator light illuminates when the FSS
is not turned off, it may indicate a malfunction in
the FSS.
Keep the FSS sensors (located on the front
bumper fascia) free from snow, ice and large
accumulations of dirt (do not clean the sensors
with sharp objects). If the sensors are covered, it
will affect the accuracy of the FSS.
To prevent a door lock from freezing, apply de-
icer through the key hole. If the lock becomes
frozen, heat thekey before insertingit into thekey
hole or use the remote keyless entry keyfob.
In the winter when it is anticipated that the tem-
perature will drop below 32°F (0°C), check the
anti-freeze to assure proper winter protection.
For details, see “Engine cooling system” in the
“Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
If the battery is not fully charged during extremely
cold weather conditions, the battery fluid may
freeze and damage the battery. To maintain maxi-
mum efficiency, the battery should be checked
regularly. For details, see “Battery” in the “Main-
tenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
If the vehicle is to be left outside without anti-
freeze, drain the cooling system, including the
engine block. Refill before operating the vehicle.
Starting and driving 5-33
2010 Armada (wzw)
Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)