
General information
This information isfor Flexible Fuel vehicles(FFV)
only. FFV vehicles can be identified by the fuel
filler door label that states Ethanol (E-85) or
Unleaded Gasoline Only. This section only cov-
ers thosesubjects that areunique toFlexible Fuel
Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door la-
bel can operate on E-85. Fuel system or
other damage can occur if E-85 is used in
vehicles that are not designed to run on
Ethanol Fuel (E-85)
E-85 is amixture of approximately85% fuel etha-
nol and 15% unleaded gasoline.
Ethanol vapors are extremely flam-
mable and could cause serious per-
sonal injury.
Never have any smoking materials lit in
or near the vehicle when removing the
fuel filler cap or filling the tank.
Do notuse E-85 as acleaning agent and
never use it near an open flame.
Fuel requirements
Your vehicle will operate on both unleaded regular
gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI
(Anti-Knock Index)number(Research octanenum-
ber 91), or E-85 fuel, or any mixture of these two.
For the best starting and vehicle driveability re-
sults, do not continually switch between E-85
and unleadedregular gasoline. Ifyou mustswitch
fuels, NISSAN recommends the following:
do not switch when the fuel gauge indicates
less than 1/4 full
add more than 5 gallons of fuel
operate the vehicle immediately after refuel-
ing for a period of at least 5 minutes
When the ambient temperature is above
90°F (32°C), you may experience hard start-
ing and rough idle followingstart up even if
the above recommendations are followed.
The characteristics of E-85 fuel make it unsuit-
able for use when ambient temperatures fall be-
low 0°F (-18°C). In the range of 0°F (-18°C) to
32°F (0°C), you may experience an increase in
the time it takes for you engine to start, and a
deterioration in drivability (sags and/or hesita-
tions) until the engine is fully warmed up.
Fuel consumption
Because E-85 fuel contains less energy per gal-
lon than gasoline,you will experience anincrease
in fuel consumption. You can expect your fuel
mileage to decrease by about 30% compared to
gasoline operation.
Replacement parts
Many components in your Flexible Fuel Vehicle
(FFV) are designed to be compatible with etha-
nol. Always be sure that your vehicle is serviced
with correct ethanol compatible parts.
Replacing fuel system components with
non-ethanol compatible components can
damage your vehicle and may also affect
the warranty coverage.
If you operate yourvehicle using E-85 fuel, follow
the correct maintenance log shown in the
“NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide”.
Do not use ethanol mixture greater than
85% in your vehicle. It will cause difficulty
in cold starting and may affect drivability.
Technical and consumer information 9-5
2010 Armada (wzw)
Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)