6800/7000 Series - Distribution and Routing Products Installation and Opertion Manual 11
Chapter 2
DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub Module
The DNH-6800 DigiNet Hub module connects up to nine separate
DigiNet cable segments into one logical control network, making it
possible to span large physical distances and support a greater number
of unit nodes without degradation of signal quality due to attenuation
and return loss.
A data stream originating from a node on any one of the nine DigiNet
segments is automatically detected, reclocked, reshaped, and
retransmitted to all other segments by the DNH-6800. DigiNet’s Carrier
Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) protocol is
supported by implementing independent collision detection on each
channel and by a jamming mechanism that propagates a collision event
detected on a transmitting channel to transmitting nodes on all other
channels (see Figure 2-1 “DNH-6800 Block Diagram Flow” on page 12).
Specifications and designs are subject to change without notice.