Chapter 3: EDH-6800-2 EDH Detection/Insertion Serial Distribution Amplifier Module Controls, Indicators, and Jumpers
28 6800/7000 Series - Distribution and Routing Products Installation and Operation Manual
Frame ID
(SW4, SW5)
Frame ID switches.
If EDH-6800-2 does not detect the presence of the
9000SSN Frame ID device (if none are present at the RJ11,
or if FR_ID jumpers are Off), it will attempt to use the dual
HEX Frame ID switches (SW4 and SW5) to determine the
frame ID.
SW4 is the most significant hex digit, while SW5 is the least
significant. For example, for a Frame ID of 0x42, SW4
should be set to 4 and SW5 should be set to 2. Any hex value
other than 0xFF may be used as an EDH-6800-2 Frame ID.
A Frame ID setting of 0 x FF indicates that Frame ID setting
should not be used. In the latter case, EDH-6800-2 module
network identification will be determined by the network
controller (for example, EDH view application).
EDH-6800-2 (and similar modules) should use the
following Frame ID modes, listed in order of preference:
• 9000SSN-based Frame ID
• Frame ID switches-based Frame ID
• Controller-configured network identification
Switch Description
All EDH-6800-2 (and
similar) modules should have
the same setting for the
Frame ID switches. This is
not strictly necessary if
9000SSN Frame ID is in use,
since all modules in the same
frame will use the same
9000SSN Frame ID.
LED Description
360, 270, 143,
525, 625
Line standard and rate indication.
These LEDs indicate the current operating standard of the
incoming serial digital video.
• 360/270/143 refer to the corresponding serial digital
• 525/625 refer to the corresponding line standard.
Vid_Pres Video Present Indication.
The Video Present LED lights when adequate 4:2:2 input
digital video is applied to the rear input connector.
EDH_Pres EDH present indication.
The EDH Present LED lights when the input digital video
stream contains the error status packet, as defined by RP
165-1993 SMPTE Recommended Practice.