CC100Master Bridge User’s Guide
Clicking on the ‘Test’ button can diagnose the noise of HCNA itself and the physical connection quality between
Master and EP.
Properties Profile – Stored the Settings
CC100 will query and store the setting values of individual on-line EP’s into its nonvolatile memory automatically,
including HomePNA properties and Ethernet properties as a profile. It shows the monitored EP status: green light in
the ‘Link’ field means the EP is ‘ON’, grey light indicates it is off. While the EP is off-line and doesn’t need any
service, you may delete its obsolete profile manually to save CC100 storage space. CC100 can keep up to 32 profiles,
and serve up to 1 master plus 31 on-line EPs concurrently.
Master HomePNA Properties (HPNA)
Security Mode
The communication between EP’s is isolated intentionally. EP’s cannot talk to each other. It is the default security
mode and unchangeable.
Privacy Mode
Privacy prevents unauthorized EP’s from accessing the HCNA network controlled by the Master HCNA device.
While ‘Privacy Mode’ is ‘ON’, the Master will serve the EP only if its ‘Privacy Key’ matches with the Master’s.
The ‘Privacy Key’ acts like the EP’s password granted by the Master.
Open the Master privacy configuration window by clicking on its ‘HPNA’ button,
The ‘Privacy Mode’ value for Master (Local device):
Off: It allows all EPs to transmit and receive packets through the CC100. Regardless of the ‘Privacy Key’ values
are set in the Master device.
On: CC100 will communicate with EPs if they own the same ‘Privacy Key’ while the ‘Privacy Mode’ is turned
‘ON’. There should be only one key in one coax networking system. EP’s with unmatched keys will not be
allowed to transmit any packets through the CC100 if ‘Privacy Mode’ is ‘ON’.
The factory default mode is ‘Off’ and key is ‘0x0’ (states in hexadecimal). Once you activate the ‘Privacy Mode’
and set up the ‘Privacy Key’ in the CC100 (the setting values), you need to upgrade the Master and all allowable
EPs’ HCNA driver with the new values (replace the running working values with the new settings) before any
connected EP’s can access the network controlled by the CC100.
Privacy Mode Usage Example
For example, first activate the ‘Privacy Mode’ by apply the ‘ON’ setting and change the ‘Privacy Key’ to ‘0x1234’.
The CC100 will request to upgrade the Master’s HCNA driver, and all allowable EP’s HCNA driver.