
CC100Master Bridge User’s Guide
This diagnosis runs the downstream test from CC100 toward the EP.
Also the result of ‘Rx Diagnose’ of the same gears,
This diagnosis runs the upstream test from EP to CC100.
The shown factors ‘SNR’, ‘Lost Pkts’, ‘PE’ and ‘RX Power’ are obtained during communication diagnosis
between the tested EP device and Master device.
SNR: Normally between 38dB~42dB.
Lost Pkts: Denominator is the total number of transmitted packets in one test run. Numerator is the number of lost
packets in one test run.
PE: 112Mbps/128Mbps/144Mbps (best connection carrier speed, in bits per second) for normal connection.
CC100 will adopt lower carrier speed automatically for connection path with high attenuation (lower
Rx Power: measured signal power
The settings include the Administrator account, the allowable Host with specified source IP, and the protocols like
HTTP/TELNET/ICMP/SNMP in CC100 management. Set up the criteria for management packets toward the
CC100. Irrelevant for data packets passed through the CC100 toward the EP.