Please see the , Mechanical Drawings section on the previous panel and the close up of the label below
before reading this section.
For absolute offset numbers and to download PCV (Phase Center offsets and Variations) tables, please
visit the GEO++ Web site at
When using the Web site mentioned above, look for the NovAtel listing of your antenna model and its hard-
ware revision.
Table 1 shows typical absolute and relative offset numbers for the current 750 antenna model.
Table 1: Height
If you need any further advice on this matter, please visit our Web site at www.novatel.com. Other methods
of contacting Customer Support can be found on the last panel of this guide.
Warranty Policy
NovAtel Inc. warrants that its Global Positioning System (GPS) products are free from defects in materials
and workmanship, subject to the conditions set forth below, for the following periods of time:
GPSAntenna™ Modules:One (1) Year
Cables and Accessories:Ninety (90) Days
Date of sale shall mean the date of the invoice to the original customer for the product. NovAtel's responsi-
bility respecting this warranty is limited solely to product repair at an authorized NovAtel location only.
Determination of repair will be made by NovAtel personnel or by
technical personnel expressly authorized by NovAtel for this purpose.
The foregoing warranties do not extend to
(i) nonconformities, defects or errors in the products due to accident, abuse, misuse or negligent use of the
products or use in other than a normal and customary manner, environmental conditions not conforming to
NovAtel’s specifications, or failure to follow prescribed installation, operating and maintenance procedures,
Only integer hardware revisions affect the phase center offsets. For example, the numbers given for
hardware revision 2.02 are applicable to an antenna labelled H/W Rev: 2.00, 2.05, 2.12 and so on.
Absolute (GEO++) with Radome Absolute (GEO++) without Radome
170 mm 162 mm
157 mm 159 mm
Model Name