(ii) defects, errors or nonconformities in the products due to modifications, alterations, additions or changes
not made in accordance with NovAtel’s specifications or authorized by NovAtel, (iii) normal wear and tear,
(iv) damage cause by force of nature or act of any third person, (v) shipping damage; or (vi)service or
repair of product by the dealer without prior written consent from NovAtel.
In addition, the foregoing warranties shall not apply to products designated by NovAtel as beta site test
samples, experimental, developmental, preproduction, sample, incomplete or out of specification products
or to returned products if the original identification marks have been removed or altered.
The warranties and remedies are exclusive and all other warranties, express or implied, written or oral,
including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose are excluded.
NovAtel shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly out of the
purchase, installation, operation, use or licensing or products or services. In no event shall NovAtel be
liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind or nature due to any cause.
There are no user-serviceable parts in the GPS Antenna and no maintenance is required. If the unit is
faulty, replace with another unit and return the faulty unit to NovAtel Inc. You must obtain a RETURN
MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION (RMA) number by calling NovAtel Customer Support at 1-800-NOVATEL
(U.S. and Canada only) or 403-295-4500 before shipping any product to NovAtel or a dealer. Once you
have obtained an RMA number, you will be advised of proper shipping procedures to return any defective
product. When returning any product to NovAtel, please return the defective product in the original pack-
aging to avoid damage.
WEEE Notice
If you purchased your GNSS-750 in Europe, please return it to your dealer or supplier at the end of its life.
The objectives of the European Community's environment policy are, in particular, to preserve, protect and
improve the quality of the environment, protect human health and utilise natural resources prudently and
rationally. Sustainable development advocates the reduction of wasteful consumption of natural resources
and the prevention of pollution. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is a regulated area.
Where the generation of waste cannot be avoided, it should be reused or recovered for its material or
energy. WEEE products may be recognized by their wheeled bin label.
RoHS Statement
The GNSS-750 Antenna is not within the scope of the RoHS Directive. It is intended to be used as a Refer-
ence Station antenna at a fixed location, over a long period of time, and as such it qualifies to use the
“Large-Scale Fixed Installation” RoHS scope exemption.
Before shipping any material to NovAtel or Dealer, please obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
number from the point of purchase or NovAtel’s Customer Support.