6-88 Scanning
ES3640e MFP EFI Printing Guide - 88
5. Click Send.
To send a scan job via E-mail
When you send a scan file via e-mail, you can send the scan file
as either an attachment or a URL. If you send an attachment that
exceeds the maximum scan file size specified, the scan file is
automatically sent as a URL.
1. After selecting the scan file to send, click Send at the bottom of
the Fiery Remote Scan window.
The Send dialog box appears.
2. Select Email and click Edit Email.
The Email message window appears.
3. Enter an e-mail address in the To: field, or browse the list of
e-mail addresses in the Address Book by clicking To:, Cc:, or Bcc:.
You can also enter a Subject line and body text.
4. Click OK.