Menu overview
The menu display is only shown in
combination with an extra sensor or in a
specifi c operating mode.
The initial menu in the control unit is called Menu. Here you will fi nd the
functions most frequently used and the ones you have the most benefi t of.
The functions available in your heating installation are shown in Menu. For
example, either Temperature increase/decrease or Room temperature setting
(if you have a room sensor) is shown. Extra hot water is only displayed if
you have a hot water heater connected.
Menu levels
The menus are divided into different levels for different purposes.
Menu Customer level, here you will fi nd the most common functions.
Advanced menu Customer level, here you will fi nd further functions.
Installer/Service Installer/Service level, relevent settings are made here by the installer/service technician.
As a user of the heating installation, you only see what is available in the two customer levels.