There are a number of timers in the control unit. The statuses for these are
shown in the menu Timers. You can only view the timers that are running,
i.e. are counting down. Most timers are only of interest to installers and
service technicians.
Extra hot water
Displays the remaining time for requested extra hot water.
Additional heat start
Displays the countdown of the timer for additional heat delay.
Mixing valve control delay
Displays the time that the mixing valve function is delayed after the addi-
tional heat timer has counted down. Does not apply to electric cassette.
Alarm mode delay
Displays the remaining time until the additional heat is activated when an
alarm is triggered.
Compressor start
Displays the remaining time of compressor start delay.
Delay before defrost
Displays the remaining time before defrost is permitted.
Heating, maximum operating time at hot water requirement
Displays the remaining time before the maximum time in heating mode is
reached if there is a simultaneous hot water requirement.
Hot water, maximum operating time at heating requirement
Displays the remaining time before the maximum time for hot water
production is reached if there is a simultaneous heating requirement.
Hot water peak interval
Displays the time remaining to the next hot water peak.
Setting the clock
The heat pump has functions that are dependent on both the time and date.
Thus it is important that these are correct. To set date and time:
1. Select Setting the clock in the advanced menu.
2. Select Set date to adjust the setting if it is not correct. The date is set
using the menu dial in the order, Year-Month-Day.
3. Select Set time to adjust the setting if it is not correct. The time is set
using the menu dial.
Advanced menu